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Bay 2 Breakers: Jonas the Dancing Fox (video)
Bay 2 Breakers: Salmon (video)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Bugs, Litmus, and a Super Fun Testday!

So another week at Mozilla, and a whole new set of interesting things to tell you about. Well, interesting if you like QA...and who doesn't?!

For the majority of the week, I triaged bugs. This was definitely interesting. I am afraid that I am still learning the ropes in bugzilla, but I am getting better. The biggest hurdle was to wrap my head around he meanings of what the different statuses meant. It is one thing to know what the statuses mean, it is another to know how and when to use them. Knowing what situation warrants a particular status comes with time and practice. Don't worry, there is quite a few people on IRC that are watching the bugs and they are fairly expedient in letting you know where you may have erred.

On the plus side, I was able to clean up all the critical and major Password Manager bugs that were sitting around unconfirmed. Quite a few of them were almost two years old! All that is left now are 15 bugs sitting unconfirmed, most of which are enhancements :)

The next major event of the week was this week's testday. I focussed my testing on Minefield 3.0a6 along with a few other participants, and others took on Thunderbird testing. Overall, I think the testing went very well. From what I saw, there were no major problems with either programs. There were a few bugs found, but no show stoppers. Also, I was able to complete 197 tests. I do not know what got into me, but I just couldn't stop. I just kept plugging away, submitting bugs, and before I knew it, it was 5pm and I had completed the test day with 197 tests complete. I was quite surprised.

On the lighter side of life, I would like to highlight a couple items of recreational interest that happened throughout he week.

First off, I was able to get out to the driving range for the first time in a while with a couple people from the office. It was quite relaxing and felt really good to get out and swing my clubs again. Perhaps I will get out on a course sometime soon :)

Secondly, on Sunday, I decided to take myself on a quick tour of Mountain View and take some pictures along the way. I walked from the Oakwood apartments, down to the Caltrain station, around downtown Mountain View, down to the ECR, across to Shoreline, and then across Middlefield to Easy street, and finally back to the Oakwood apartments.

My Mountain View Walking Route - Click to Enlarge

For your viewing pleasure, I have created a slideshow of the 77 photos I captured. You can find a link to it in the media section of this page, above this post.

I want to go into more details about Litmus and the testday, but I want to reserve that for it's own post. Stay tuned...

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